Welcome to the Adult page! Below are some of our recurring events.
Click the tabs to the left for more exciting information.
Genealogy Group
Our Genealogy Group meets the first Thursday of every month from 6:00-7:30 pm at the Library.
The Charlton Public Library Genealogy Group is a friendly group of people who share an interest in genealogy. Meetings alternate between general discussion topics and guest presenters. All are welcome; registration is not required.
Click here to view our event calendar for upcoming programs.
Critical Thinking Discussion Group
Are you intimidated by the so-called "Great Books" and all that critical thinking stuff? Many people are, especially they you go it alone. Join some like-minded friends for a little mental workout to keep your brain in good shape!
Here's how it works: stop by the Library and pick up the selected readings (either copies or books), read the material, show up and join the discussion. Then pick up the next months' materials at the same time! This group will be facilitated by local resident and scholar David Schiller.
No experience with critical thinking discussion groups is necessary. Drop-in any month, no registration required.
Copies of discussion materials are available at the adult circulation desk one month prior to discussion.
January 24, 2025 at 1 pm: The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
February 28 at 1 pm: The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov
March 28 at 1 pm: Job from the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
April 25 at 1 pm: The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Current Events & Politics Discussion Group
The second Friday of each month at 1 pm in the Community Room.
Join us for this new current events and politics discussion group facilitated by local resident and scholar David Schiller. This group is intended to encourage thoughtful analysis and discourse of current events, backed by logic or data. Topics will be decided upon by the group at the beginning of the meeting. All are welcome to attend these discussions. Respectfulness and civility are required; registration is not.
Death Cafe
Welcome to the Death Café at Charlton Public Library! What is a Death Café, you ask? A Death Café is a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or course of action, no set conclusions and no judgement. Death Cafés provide a safe environment to gather, eat cake, drink tea or coffee, and enjoy open-minded conversation about dying and death. It is an opportunity to share, explore and question our own perceptions of death. It’s not a bereavement session – just an open conversation about a topic that we often find taboo. You are welcome to share as much or as little as you wish.
The group meets monthly on the third Thursday of the month from 6-7:30 pm in Dexter Hall.
Questions? Email kwalker4@mac.com.
The Death Cafe model was developed by Jon Underwood and Sue Barsky Reid, based on the ideas of Bernard Crettaz. Read more about it HERE.
Charlton Ukulele League & Ensemble
The Charlton Ukulele League & Ensemble (CULE) meets the Fourth Thursday Evening Each Month at 6:00 PM in the Community Meeting Room at the Charlton Public Library
This club is a FREE, fun, low stress and entertaining way for adults 18+ to learn music together. You will be guided by experienced musicians who encourage you to find your own level of achievement.
Making music together is the perfect antidote to the feeling that you will never be able to play music. You can! What's more you'll enjoy the company of others.
Any questions? Email Rich at Cule5632@gmail.com
No Registration Required
Saturday Acoustic Roots Jam (SARJ)
An acoustic only music jam. Open to all 18+. From September through May the group meets at Charlton Public Library, and from June through August the group meets at an off-site location. Email Rich at Cule5632@gmail.com for more information.